Package Maker Mac Download

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Mac OS X Software

PackageMaker How-to

Despite that, however, one of the worst parts about Mac OS X software distribution that you’ll ever run into is creating an installer package for Apple’s Installer. It will frustrate the heck out of you, cause you to curse out loud, and generally cause you stress for days at a time until you solve your problem, and then you’ll never want. Learn how to download and customize your mouse pointer. Have a web page or a blog? Learn how to add custom cursors to your web pages. Make your own cursors with our freeware cursor maker. Your favorite cursor is missing? Make a suggestion.

This document is targeted towards Mac OS X Developers with a minimum background on Mac OS X and notions like file paths, bundles, Developer tools.

A few words regarding this document

This document was written with PackageMaker 1.x in mind.

PackageMaker is available in version 3.0.4 at the time of the writing of this note. All the pieces of information in this document still apply when you select the target to be Mac OS X 10.3 in PackageMaker.

What is PackageMaker?

PackageMaker is the installing solution provided by Apple with its developer tools.

Contrary to other installers' solution, PackageMaker does not create self-running installer (i.e. it does not build an application). Instead, PackageMaker is creating a package:

A package is a bundle (with a .pkg extension) which contains an archive of files to install and information on where to install them. It can also includes Read Me, License documents and scripts to run before or after the installation.

To install a package, all you have to do is to double-click on its icon in the Finder and the application will be launched and will guide your through the necessary steps of the installation.

Packages are the solution used by Apple to install Mac OS X and to provide System or Applications upgrades via the Software Update solution.

In which cases may I use an installer?

The first question you must ask yourself is:

'Do I need an installer to install my applications or documents?'

For instance, if you're distributing an application without any other files to install (Frameworks, StartupItems, Drivers, etc.), you don't need to use an installer in 99.99% of cases.

The 0.01% left is made of unusual cases like for instance if you want your application to be installed in the Applications folder of the root home directory (but this is just an example). For the other 99.99%, just distribute your application inside a Disk Image and inform the user in the Read Me file he/she just needs to move the file into the Applications folder to install it. You can also use the background image of the Disk Image to provide instructions to the user.

If you're distributing a solution that needs to put a driver in /SystemLlibrary/Extensions, an application in /Applications, a framework in /Library/Frameworks, then you seriously need an installer.

What are the pro and cons of using PackageMaker as my installing solution?

  • Apple uses installation packages in the format that PackageMaker can produce.
  • It's free.
  • This allows you to make remote installation using Apple Remote Desktop (1.1 or later).
  • Packages can be installed via the Terminal (Mac OS X Server and Mac OS X client)
  • It's a quite complete solution.
  • If you're screwing something when building your installer this may lead to unwanted results on the end-user's machine - do you hear the sound of the iTunes updater? But you can ruin a system using other installers too (if you don't know how, just ask).
  • There is no uninstall solution provided by Apple.
  • It's not available on another platform.
There used to be two interesting articles on this topic on the Stepwise web site but this website has disappeared.

What are the other available installing solutions?

The following list is not exhaustive, it's just including the 3 major commercial solutions.

  • Installer VISE by MindVision

    Installer VISE has been one of the 2 legacy installing solutions on Mac OS. If you're a Shareware/Freeware developer, you may get qualified for a 'free' license.

  • Install Anywhere by ZeroG Software

    The(?) Cross-Platform Installation solution. Available on Mac OS X. If you like Java, it might be your cup of te... coffee.

  • StuffIt InstallerMaker by AladdinSys

    The other legacy installing solution on Mac OS. I've never used it so I can't say a lot on it. If you're a Shareware/Freeware developer, you may get qualified for a 'free' license.

NameDeveloperVersionPriceSupports UninstallEase of useScriptable
Install AnywhereZeroG Software5.0.7$1,995YES??
Installer VISEMindVision8.2.1Free to $1,500 a yearYES?AppleScript
1.1a10FreeNO2/5Command line
StuffIt InstallerMakerAladdinSys7.1.2Free to $1,000+ a yearYES??

Where can I find PackageMaker?

PackageMaker is installed with the Developer Tools. So if you don't have installed the Developer Tools, you won't find it.

If you have installed the Developer Tools, you can find PackageMaker inside the /Developer/Applications folder.

What version of PackageMaker should I use?

This may sound like a strange question but it's not that strange.

When Apple released Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar), a new PackageMaker application was released with the Jaguar Developer Tools.

This version of PackageMaker introduced new features but also a backward incompatibility.

The backward incompatibility is that packages built with the Jaguar version of PackageMaker can't be installed on Mac OS X system prior to 10.2 (i.e. 10.0.x and 10.1.x). I don't know why the 'official' documentation is stated the contrary.

So if you want to allow users to install your package on Mac OS X 10.1 or prior, you will have to use the version of PackageMaker provided with the Mac OS X 10.1 Developer Tools.

This document will mainly deal with the 10.2 version of PackageMaker.

How do I create a package with PackageMaker?


  • PackageMaker needs to be installed on your machine (see Where I can find PackageMaker?)
  • You need to have access to an admin account on your machine and probably to the root account.

1st step:

This is the most important step. If you make mistake during this step, the consequences might be disastrous. So don't hesitate to check what you're doing.

To indicate to PackageMaker where the files of a package should be installed, you need to create a relative file hierarchy describing where each file should be installed. For instance, if a package needs to contain an application which has to be installed in the Applications folder, you need to create an Applications folder and put the application in this folder. If you need to install a driver in the Extensions folder, you need to create a System folder, then create a Library folder within the System folder, an Extensions folder within the Library folder and finally put your driver in the Extensions folder.

As stated, the file hierarchy is a relative one. This means that you first need to create a folder which will be the starting point of the file hierarchy. The final location of this starting point will be selected during the installation process. Usually, the final starting point is the root of a volume. If you need to install a driver or an application shared by every user, then the final starting point will be the root of a volume (the boot one or another).

To illustrate what you need to do, we will take the example of a package which needs to contain an Application and a driver used by this application. In this case, this is what the file hierarchy should look like:

The MyRoot folder can be located in your home folder for instance.

When this is done, you ABSOLUTELY MUST set the right owners and permissions of the files. If you don't set the appropriate permissions, you may end up creating a security hole or make the OS work incorrectly. A legend is saying that this may slow down the whole OS and this can only be solved later by using Disk

In our case, we need to set the following owners and permissions:


As for our own files (bundles), we need to set all the files composing the bundles have the following attributes:

You can of course set the permissions to be more restrictive but not less.

Once this is done, you then need to check that you don't have any useless files in this hierarchy.

One example of useless file is the .DS_Store file created by the Finder. While including this file in your package won't probably cause a security flaw on the system where the package will be installed, this may lead to some unwanted behavior.

For instance, if you have a .DS_Store file within the Applications folder, this file will overwrite the .DS_Store file in the Applications folder of the system where the package is installed. Since the .DS_Store file contains information on the way the Finder should display the content of a folder, when the user will display the content of the /Applications folder in the Finder, he/she may get a view with icons not located as they were before the package was installed.


You can easily remove all the .DS_Store in the relative file hierarchy using the Terminal and a command like:

find $HOME/MyRoot/ -name '.DS_Store' -exec rm -f {} ;

2nd step:

Once, the file hierarchy is done, you can now use PackageMaker to create the package. To do this, you need to logout and login under the root account (maybe it can be done directly from an admin account, but I haven't tested that yet).

Depending on the version of PackageMaker you're using, the User Interface might be different.

You can now enter the information for your package:

  • Title: MyApplication

    This title will be used during the Installation process for the Window title, the title of some steps, etc. If this package is to be a part of a metapackage, this will also be the name displayed in the Custom section of the metapackage installer.

  • Version: 1.0

    This piece of information is not used.

  • Description: MyApplication is doing this and that.

    Contrary to what the PackageMaker documentation states, this description is used. This will be the description displayed for the package in the custom step of a metapackage installer.

  • Delete Warning: N/A

    This warning is not used currently since there is no Delete feature in the Apple's Installer solution.

  • Root: /Users/MyAccount/MyRoot

    This is the location of the Starting Point we built. It's usually a good idea to leave 'Compress Archive' checked.

  • Resources:

    We will discuss this part later. Shortly, this is the location of the Welcome, Read Me, License, background image, and scripts files.

  • Default location: /

    This is from where the Starting Point should be added. If we were just installing an application, we could have just put inside the MyRoot folder and then selected /Applications as the Default location.

  • Restart Action : Required restart

    This depends on whether you need a restart so that your application, drivers, daemons, etc. are properly launched or not. In this case, let's just say that the Driver can't be launched properly outside of the startup process.

  • Authorization Action: Root Authorization

    Since we're installing a Kernel Extensions and items inside /System, we need Root authorization.

  • Flags:

    We will discuss these flags later.

Now, we can build our package using the 'Create Package' in the 'File' menu. Let's give it the following name: 'MyPackage.pkg'.
Before quiting PackageMaker, don't forget to save your package settings via the 'Save' command in the 'File' menu. This will avoid re-entering the same data later if the package information is changed or updated with new versions of the files to install.
To be able to find this package quickly, copy it into the /Users/Shared folder and logout. Login under your account and go to the /Users/Shared folder.
Double-click on the MyPackage.pkg file to test the package installation.

Additional steps

Now that you know how to build a basic package, we can see how to add additional information to the package.
As we said before, a package can contain Read Me and License documents. In fact, it can contains 3 types of documents:
  • Welcome:

    This is the document that is displayed in the 'Introduction' step (after the authentication step on Mac OS X 10.1 and 10.2 if any).
    Tip: the real-estate for the Welcome document is limited to the size of the pane. It can't be scrolled.

  • Read Me:

    This document is displayed after the Welcome document. It can be scrolled. The user can print the Read Me.

  • License:

    This document is displayed after the Read Me document. It can be scrolled and to go to the next step, the user will have to click on a button to confirm he agrees to the terms of the license. The user can print the License.

Each of the 3 documents can be in one the following formats:
  • RTF
  • RTFD
  • Text
  • HTML
They should be named as follow:
  • Welcome: Welcome.rtf, Welcome.html, Welcome.rtfd, Welcome.txt.
  • Read Me: ReadMe.rtf, ReadMe.html, ReadMe.rtfd, ReadMe.txt.
  • License: License.rtf, License.html, License.rtfd, License.txt.
To add these documents to the package, you need to create a folder and put the documents inside it. It's a good idea to create this folder at the same level that your 'MyRoot' folder.
This will look something like this:
In PackageMaker, you can now set the location for the Resources folder and when you're building your package, the documents will be added into the package and they will be displayed when the package is being installed.

What about scripts?

When installing your package, you may want or have to do some additional things.

For instance, if you're installing a Kernel Extension, you have to do the following additional operation: set the correct file owner and group. Starting with Mac OS X 10.2, Kernel Extension must be owned by the pair root/wheel. Yet even if you set the files to be owned by root/wheel in your Starting Point file hierarchy, they won't be installed with root/wheel but with root/admin. This sucks, yes. One solution to fix this is to set the correct owner/group just after the package has been installed. This can be done via a script embedded in the package that will be launched by the Installer.

Another example: your package needs to remove files from a previous version before being installed. Again this can be done via a script embedded in the package that will be launched by the Installer.

Finally, another possible case where a script can be used is when you want to prevent the user from installing your package on a Mac OS X system prior to Mac OS 10.1.3. This can be done via a script embedded in the package that will be launched by the Installer.

There are 7 types of scripts than can be launched during the Installation Process:

  • InstallationCheck:

    This script is launched at the beginning of the installation process (even before the Authentication step). It can be used to check that the package can be installed on this computer.

  • VolumeCheck:

    This script is launched in the 'Select Destination' step. It is used to determine on which volume the package can be installed.

  • preflight:

    This script is launched just after the user clicked on the 'Install' button.

  • preinstall / preupgrade:

    This script is launched after the preflight script if there's one (in the case of a single package installation); otherwise just after the user clicked on the 'Install' button.

    As you see, there are 2 types of scripts here. The preinstall one is launched when the package has never been installed (from an point of view), the preupgrade one is launched when the package has already been installed. To determine whether a package has already been installed or not, is having a look at the content of the following directory: /Library/Receipts. If there's a file named PackageName.pkg within it, then the package has already been installed, otherwise it's the first install.

  • postinstall / postupgrade:

    This script is launched after the files in the package have been installed. See (preinstall / preupgrade) to see which one is launched.

  • postflight:

    This script is launched after the postinstall / postupgrade script or when the package has been installed.

Note: If you're building a package with the 10.1 version of PackageMaker, the names of the scripts are a bit different.
The scripts are launched in the following order:
These scripts can be written in different languages. The common ones are:
  • Perl
  • Shell
Some information is passed by the installer to these scripts when they are launched:
Shell$0Script pathScript pathScript pathScript pathScript pathScript path
$1Package pathVolume path [1]Package pathPackage pathPackage pathPackage path
$2Default locationTarget locationTarget locationTarget locationTarget location
$3Target volumeTarget volumeTarget volumeTarget volumeTarget volume
Perl$0Script pathScript pathScript pathScript pathScript pathScript path
$ARGV[0]Package pathVolume path [1]Package pathPackage pathPackage pathPackage path
$ARGV[1]Default locationTarget locationTarget locationTarget locationTarget location
$ARGV[2]Target volumeTarget volumeTarget volumeTarget volumeTarget volume
Returned value0: Success
32: Warning
48-63: Warning: Detailed reason [2]
64: Stop Install
112-127: Stop Install: Detailed reason [3]
0: Success
32: Failure: Unknow reason
48-63: Failure: Detailed reason [4]
0: Success
0: Success !=0:Failure
0: Success !=0:Failure
0: Success !=0:Failure

The VolumeCheck script is called for every volume.
The detailed reason is an index which is computed from the Returned value like this: index = ReturnedValue - 32 then looks for a file named InstallationCheck.strings which associated a message to the index.
The InstallationCheck.strings will be used if you're building a localized package.
The detailed reason is an index which is computed from the Returned value like this: index = ReturnedValue - 96 then looks for a file named InstallationCheck.strings which associated a message to the index.
The InstallationCheck.strings will be used if you're building a localized package.
The detailed reason is an index which is computed from the Returned value like this: index = ReturnedValue - 32 then looks for a file named VolumeCheck.strings which associated a message to the index.
The VolumeCheck.strings will be used if you're building a localized package.
The scripts must have an Unix line ending. If they don't, this may crash the installation.The scripts are run under the following user account:
Authorization ActionInstallationCheckVolumeCheckpreflightpreinstall/upgradepostinstall/upgradepostflight
No Authorization requiredLogin userLogin userLogin userLogin userLogin userLogin user
Admin AuthorizationLogin userLogin userrootrootrootroot
Root AuthorizationLogin userLogin userrootrootrootroot

Once you have written your scripts, add them into the Resources folder. In our virtual example, we're adding a VolumeCheck script to prevent the user from installing the application on a system prior to Mac OS X 10.2 and we're adding a postFlight script to fix the file permissions of our Driver.
You can then re-build your package: the scripts will be embedded in it and run during the Installation.

Macos Install Package

Finally, what about the flags?

Some of these flags are useful, some are useless.
  • Allows Back Rev. :

    The installation allows to later install an earlier version of the package.

  • Install Fat:

    The installation install all the binaries for multiple platforms.

  • Relocatable:

    The user can choose the installation destination.

  • Required:

    The package is a required component for the installation. This flag is only used when the package is a component of a metapackage.

  • Root Volume Only:

    This option will only allow the root volume (/) to be the target volume of the installation. This will prevent the user to select another volume in the 'Select Destination' step.

  • Update Installed Languages Only:

    This is an interesting option that will prevent the installation of localized Resources in case the localization was not already installed.
    For instance, let's say the user has not installed the German localization of your application. Your updater is including updated German resources but not all the resources. This means that if the user is installing the updater without this flag on, the German localization will only be partial and potentially crashy. With this flag on, the German files won't be installed and not cause any potential crash.

  • Overwrite Permissions:

    The permissions of directories in the installation overwrites the ones of the corresponding directories if they already exist in the destination volume.

How can I create a package with optional installs? (also How can I build a metapackage?)

For some installers, you may want to allow the user to select where he/she wants to install some optional files or not. For instance, the Mac OS X installation lets you decide whether you wan to install some localizations of the System or not.

This can be done via a metapackage. A metapackage is basically a package which does not contain any files but just points to a list of packages. A metapackage can contain Welcome, Read Me, and License documents. It can also contain InstallationCheck and VolumeCheck scripts. The others scripts are not supported.

Building a metapackage with PackageMaker is easy as long as you know some information.

  • Title:

    Description forthcoming

  • Version:

    Description forthcoming

  • Description:

    Description forthcoming

  • Delete Warning:

    This warning is not used currently since there is no Delete feature in the Apple's Installer solution.

  • Resources:

    Same thing as for packages. pre/postflight, pre/postinstall, pre/postupgrade scripts not supported.

  • Package List:

    To be completed.


    • Required: the package will always be installed/upgraded.
    • Selected: the package will be installed unless the user switched to Custom mode during the installation process and unselect it.
    • Unselected: the package will not be installed unless the user switched to Custom mode during the installation process and select it.

    Tip: When building a metapackage with PackageMaker 10.1, you must know that the Selected, Required, Unselected option will not be taken into account. This has been fixed in the 10.2 version. So you can just specify whether a package is required or not. To do this, you have to check or not the Required flag when building the package with PackageMaker 10.1.
  • Package locations:

    Description forthcoming

You can also select a metapackage to be a sub-package of a metapackage thus creating a nested hierarchy. This will result in something looking like this in the custom phase:

When a metapackage is being installed, scripts are run in almost the same sequence as with a package. The difference is with the preflight and postflight scripts.

Can I build an updater/upgrader with PackageMaker?

This is absolutely possible. Since there are pre/postupgrade scripts, it means that updating/upgrading is possible.

Basically, an updater/upgrader is just an installer which just contains the files that have been modified or added.

Some suggestions to use a package as an updater/upgrader:

  • Use the VolumeCheck script to determine if the updater/upgrader can be applied to a volume.
  • If you need to remove old files, use the postupgrade script.

How can I force the installation to be made on specific volumes?

Mac packages app

Depending on your needs, there are 2 solutions:

  • If you just need to restrict the installation to the startup volume, check the 'Root Volume Only' flag of the packages.
  • If you want to prevent the installation on volumes that don't meet some requirements, you can use the VolumeCheck strings.

    Note: There's a refresh bug in which will display some volumes as potential candidates for the installation when they are not. Scrolling the list of volumes fix this.

How can I add a custom background picture for my package or metapackage?

Beginning with Mac OS X 10.2, the background picture displayed in the window can be customized by the package.
To set this background image, you just have to add a file to your package Resources folder called background.suffix where 'suffix' may be:

  • jpg
  • tif
  • gif
  • pict
  • eps
  • pdf
The ideal size for the picture is: 620 x 418. If the size is different, the picture will be scaled.
Tip: If you're building a package using the 10.1 version of PackageMaker, you can use this background picture too. It won't be displayed when the installation is made on a Mac OS X version prior to 10.2, but it will for 10.2 and later.

How can I do a multiple localization installer?

Description forthcoming

How can I distribute my packages?

First thing to note is that since a package is a bundle, you can't distribute it 'as is'.
Some solutions that can be used:

  • Archive the package using the Finder Create Archive of command.

    Description forthcoming

  • Put the package in a disk image

    Description forthcoming

Avoid using Stuffit to archive/compress your package

Previous versions of Stuffit had issues with filenames bigger than 31 characters. If the name of the package is a bit long and you have some scripts in it, the name of one script might be bigger than 31 characters. So when it will get unarchived by Stuffit, the name will be screwed and the package won't install properly.
Yet, if all the names of the files in the package are less than 31 characters, you can use Stuffit.

Don't change the name of your package

It's really a good idea to avoid changing the name of your package once it has been built. Because on Mac OS X 10.1, is using the name of the package to find the file archive and scripts. If the name is not the original one, the installation is going to fail.

Can I call an external application from an installer?

Yes, you can call an external application from an installer. You can do this with one of the installation scripts. For instance the following postflight script will launch

Does PackageMaker support files with Resource fork?

Yes, it does. If some files in your file archive contains both a Data Fork and a Resource Fork, the following alert will be displayed:

If you select the Split Forks option, files with Data and Resource Fork are going to be splitted in 2 files. The 2 forks will be re-united during the Installation process.

Is it possible to write a script to build a package?

Yes, depending on the version of the OS you're using, the tool is not the same:

  • Mac OS X 10.2.x

    Use package which is available in /usr/bin. To get information on the required parameters, type in

    $ package

  • Mac OS X 10.3.x

    Use PackageMaker which is available in /Developer/Applications/Utilities/ To get information on the required parameters, type in

    $ /Developer/Applications/Utilities/ -help

    Man page on-line: man: packagemaker
And if you're a real thrill seeker, you may also want to build a package without these tools and just by using command line tools. Here is an example:packaging script

Is there any tool to inspect packages once they have been built?

If you want to know which files are archived in a package, you have 3 solutions:


    Since during the installation process, you can have access to the list of files in the package, one solution is to just launch the installation of the package.

    Just before clicking on the Install/Upgrade button, choose File > Show Files.

  • The command line:

    A solution for the fans of is to use the command line tool lsbom:

    lsbom MyPackage.pkg/Contents/

  • Pacifist:

    This is the best solution. Pacifist is a $20 shareware which allows you to inspect packages by displaying the hierarchy of files.

    With Pacifist, you can even install only some files just by drag and dropping them

    Pacifist is available here: CharlesSoft.

Is there any other tool to create packages and metapackages?

Yes, if you don't want to use PackageMaker, check alternative solutions such as Iceberg or Packages here: Packaging.

Site Map
Copyright 2004-2014 Stéphane Sudre.

CCMaker is an application that is used to download the Adobe Products. It is the only app that allows you to choose which language package, which features and what you want to download.

As from downloading the official website you get all the language package includes with so many unwanted features as well.

These language packages and unwanted packages make the size of Adobe Product very bigger. It has three options which are Download and install, in this option the package will be automatically downloaded and installed in your system.

The second option is Download, this option allows you to only download the package and can be installed later.

The third option is Install, it offers you to install the product which you download from the CCMaker. It downloads a .xml file which you select in the Install section and then it will begin the download and will be installed. This option is best when you want to use the package on another computer.

What Is CCMaker

CCMaker is the product of Adobe which stands for Creative Cloud where you can download all the applications of Adobe. CCMaker or Creative Cloud Maker does the same thing as CC does. It also allows any user to download and install the latest version of any applications from their servers.

But it has more options as compared to the Creative Cloud. CCMaker doesn’t only allow you to download and install the application.

Even though it has the built-in AMTEmu which automatically activates the product right after installation.

You can download all the 2019 versions directly through this tool. This app includes the latest versions of Photoshop, Lightroom, Camera Raw, Dreamweaver, After Effects, InCopy, Media Encoder, Character Animator, Audition, Illustrator, InDesign, Muse, Premiere, Bridge, Prelude, Dimension, Animate CC and Mobile Device Packaging.

CCMaker Features

Mac Os Package Manager

If you want to learn more about the features of this awesome tool. Then read out this CCMaker features list to learn more about it so you know better what you are actually downloading.

Here is a quick check-in of the list of features:

No Adobe Account Required

If you ever used the Creative Cloud then you know that it requires to have Adobe account to proceed to download. So, if you don’t own an Adobe account then this tool is helpful for you as it doesn’t require any Adobe account. You can easily download all the products without signing in to the CCMaker.

Original Download

Yes, you read this right, CCMaker allows its users to get the latest but original application. Creative Cloud Maker downloads the applications directly from its own Adobe’s Server. This means that it is not included in the piracy and you are downloading 100% legal way.

Latest Download

It allows you to download the latest versions of all these applications of Adobe. You don’t need to go to their website for the latest version, even you can update directly using CCMaker.

Fast Download

CCMaker enables the fastest download mode for the users. You can now download the Adobe Ziiapplications with high speed by using this tool. The official servers are not as fast as compared to this.

Auto Activation

It will be automatically activated right after your product is downloaded and installed. This software comes with the built-in AMTEmu which is made by the PainteR. AMTEmu is a tool to activate Adobe Products without paying the money for a product key.

Many Download Options

CCMaker allows you to choose from the various options for downloading the application. This includes the option to choose a specific language package (you can download more packages just tick that package and it will be downloaded). An option to download the specific components which help you to decrease the size of the file.

Key Features

  • Only download the files which users choose in the CCMaker. Users can even download other components and language packages.
  • If you download a package that has additional components. Then it will also give you a message to download these package as well to make the product work perfectly.
  • It allows you to download and install the product with a new type of distribution.
  • If the language pack for some applications is available on your hard disk it will offer you to install them.
  • Some downloadable product files of the same size will be combined into one Master Collection.
  • The downloaded distribution package store all the files in one folder with the original Setup.exe installer.
  • CCMaker uses the folder of that product where driver.xml is available, and the folder with the components files as well.
  • The installation is based on the JSON which contains the information of the components and the pix files which contain the instruction of the installation, helps in the entry of Windows Registry, shortcuts creation & launching of the application.
  • AMT Emulator applied to the products right after they installed in your machine, which modifies the original amtlib.dll file.

Download CCMaker

Downloading CCMaker from our website is easier than downloading from another website. We provide a clean and direct download link with a fast download speed. Our provided links don’t contain any type of short links or social unlock URLs.

Here is the simplest guide to properly download from our website without facing any issue:

First of all click on the Download CCMaker button below and it will redirect you to another page. From that page, you find the Download now button and additional information about the tool.

Now simply click on this and you will then redirected to the Mediafire link. From there you find a Mediafire Download button just click on that and wait for five seconds.

After five seconds of complete, it will then ask you to choose the location where you want to save the file. I recommend you download it at the Desktop so you can find it easily.

It will be downloaded in your machine within a few seconds and then you are ready to go :D. Download time varies on your internet speed so please don’t blame on my download link Lol (Just Kidding :D).

System Requirements

  • 10 MB of Hard Disk Free Space
  • Windows 10, 8 or 7
  • Microsoft Universal C Runtime (CRT)

How to Use CCMaker

If you don’t know how to use CCMaker then you can check out my this simple and easiest guide. I will cover all the basic things so you don’t face any problem while installing Applications.

Let’s now check out the guide: How To Use & Install CCMaker Step by Step

Extract the CCMaker which you downloaded from the above link. It may ask you for the password you can find it here then it will be extracted to a folder.

Now open that folder and right-click on CCMaker.exe and run it as an Administrator. After the program opens you will see there are three options available, Download & install, Download & Install.

Choose the option of your choice, in my case I show you the method of Download & Install. So, after clicking on the Download and Install, it will download some files on your computer.

When that file completes downloading in your machine then it will open another window. In that window, you will be asked to choose the product which you want to install with many versions.

Choose your preferred product with the version, now click the browse button where you want to save your file. After choosing the location now just click on next and then it asks you if you want to download any additional component.]

Tick the Activate AMTEmu so when your file downloads you get it activated. If you don’t tick on that you will the trial version of the application.

After clicking on this just click next and then your file will start downloading. The speed and the time vary according to your internet speed so please be patient.

When your file downloaded successfully it will then automatically start installing on your computer. You just need to follow the instructions on the screen and wait till the installation completes.

That’s it you have now successfully downloaded and installed the Adobe product with CCMaker. You can download more products by following the same procedure.

Program Manager Mac

Also, your application will be automatically activated right after the download and installation process completes.

Troubleshooting & FAQs

Q1) I encountered an error “Retrieving Creative Cloud Products data Failed”

This problem only occurs when you download the wrong Microsoft Universal C Runtime (CRT). So please make sure to download the right version of Microsoft Universal C Runtime (CRT) for your machine from Microsoft’s website.

Q2) I accidentally don’t tick on activating using AMTEmu? What should I do?

Package Maker Download Mac

Don’t worry about this, you can simply do it manually. Just download the AMTEmu from this website also you will get all the instructions to activate any of the products.

Q3) I am unable to patch the 2019 version of Adobe application?

This is because in the latest version of Adobe product there is no “amtlib.dll” file which AMTEmu used to patch. In this case, you cannot patch the latest version of Adobe.

Maybe in future zerocod3 or PainteR release any new patcher for this update. So, currently, there is no software available for this that’s why you need to use the 2018 version only.

More >>CCMaker Faqs


CC Maker is the best and one of the legal ways to download Adobe products free of cost. It is the only tool that allows its users to download files directly from Adobe servers.

Package Maker Mac Download Full

The best thing that CCMaker is much more usable as compared to the Creative Cloud which is the same as this software.

Package Maker Mac Download Windows 10

It is because you don’t need to sign up or log in to the applications. Also, it gives you many options so you can choose the components which you want to download or the language packages you want to download. One of the best things, why people use it most that, is has built-in AMTEmu Patcher.