My Passport Ultra Mac Not Showing Up


I have a WD Ultra Passport. It's not showing up on my desktop. Sierra OS 10.12.16. I've tried different USB ports. I've tried a different laptop. I've tried another USB cable. The LED light blinks or is solid. I hear it whirling inside. It shows up on my disk utility. However the device itself is grayed out. Apr 17, 2017 My Passport (2TB) suddenly not showing up on Mac. I have a 2TB My Passport External Hard Drive that I have been using for the past few moths with no issues. A couple of days ago I accidently pulled the cord out of the USB port without properly ejecting. Since then, when I plug the hard drive into the computer (directly into the USB port) the. Question: Q: MY PASSPORT WD Drive not showing on my macbook but shows on others. For no reason whatsoever my macbook pro won't show my WD external HD. It powers up normally and I see the light on the HD, it reads on other macbook pro's and it even gets read by my LG smart TV.

I purchased the external HD about a month ago, and loaded with my excess files from my 2TB. It worked fine up until two days ago. I let a friend borrow the drive to watch a movie, and when he returned it, it won’t work on my or his laptop anymore. My other hard drive works just fine in the same USB ports, I have tried all ports, I have tried flashing my BIOS, I have tried using programs like HD sentinel, I have tried to update the firmware and drivers (firmware update won’t even start,) I have tried unistalling drivers, rebooting, and let them reinstall as soon I plug it in. I have tried your Data Lifeguard tool, and it doesn’t even show there is one single sector to scan. The light blinks on the drive, but the drive does not spin, or at least feel or sound like it does. It shows up in safe removal and disk management. The disk is not initialized, and when I try to initialize it or turn it online, the error message 'the request could not be performed because on an I/O device error. This goes for both MBR and GPT. Same error on all the laptops I have tried to plug into the past 2 days to fix it. I am currently in Afghanistan, so my options are pretty limited, but I do have internet access. I would LOVE to get my movies back since, you know, I’m in Afghanistan, but I guess I would settle for an operational HD. Some help would really be appreciated.

My Passport Ultra Installation


My Passport Ultra Not Showing Up Mac

I’m fairly upset. I’ve been using the My Passport for Mac for about two years with no problems. I have not updated anything on my macbook. Nothing has changed since my last backup, which was ten days ago. I have a Macbook Pro, OS 10.9.5.

Now when I plug in my external hard drive, the light just blinks nonstop. Nothing mounts. No error message, no nothing. I tried the other USB port on my Macbook, but that didn’t help. I restarted my Macbook and still no luck.

My Passport Ultra Mac Not Showing Up On Pc

Did it just die?? Do I simply have to buy a new external hard drive? (If so, it won’t be another one of these, and any suggestions are most welcome!) I don’t see anything on this forum about this problem, so I’m thinking it’s not a simple problem. If anyone has any idea what could have happened, and whether anything can be done, please let me know. I’m pretty disappointed that something like this could happen out of the blue.