Android Emulator Apple Silicon

Android emulator apple silicone

Android Emulator M1 Preview

Note: There is an official repo now which is preferred: ( We will still watch this repo for issues and comments, but please redirect your activity to the official repo.

High-performance Android emulator. Apple silicon status: application runs, however emulator not working properly! The app works with Rosetta 2, however you might run into issues. Is Apple silicon ready for Nox App Player?, Rosetta 2 support for Nox App Player, Nox App Player on M1 Macbook Air, Nox App Player on M1 Macbook Pro, Nox App Player. If you are looking for the Best Android Emulators or App Player to run Android device App on Pc then we are having Top Android Emulator which is Best for Pc. Let's find out if you are able to do Android Development on Apple Silicon Mac? WORKING - Android Emulator and Android Studio on Apple M1 Apple.

This is a preview of some basic Android emulation functionality on the M1. There are still many issues, but apps work at a basic level. To be updated soon with more fixes. The release tag corresponds to this commit:

Known issues

  • Webview doesn't work
  • No sound
  • No device skins
  • Video codecs not working
  • 32 bit ARM apps won't work
  • Graphical glitches in some Vulkan apps
  • Popup on startup about not being able to find the ADB path (ADB will still notice the emulator if you have it installed though)
  • When building, it may be faster to start then cancel the Python triggered build and then reissue ninja -C objs install/strip versus letting the Python triggered build finish.

How to use

This only works on M1 Apple Silicon Macs. M1 (or equivalently capable) SoCs are required; note that this does not work on DTKs as they do not support ARM64 on ARM64 hardwre virtualization via Hypevisor.framework. However, we have plans to add support there as well via Virtualization.framework.

Go to the Github releases page, download a .dmg, drag to the Applications folder, and run. You'll first need to right click the app icon and select Open and then skip past the developer identity verification step (we are working on providing official identity info). The first few times it starts up it will take a while to show up, but subsequent launches will be faster.

If you've installed Android Studio and Android SDK and adb is available, the emulator should be visible from Studio and work (deploy built apps, debug apps, etc).

How to configure

Edit /Applications/Android Some notable options:

  • disk.dataPartition.size: size of userdata. When reconfiguring, you'll also need to delete all userdata*.img files in that directory.
  • fastboot.forceColdBoot,fastboot.forceFastBoot: whether to enable snapshots. Current default is snapshots disabled. Set fastboot.forceColdBoot=no,fastboot.forceFastBoot=yes to enable snapshots.
  • hw.lcd.density: Virtual display DPI.
  • hw.lcd.width,hw.lcd.height: Virtual display dimensions.
  • hw.ramSize: RAM limit for the guest. (2GB minimum)

How to wipe data

Remove all userdata*.img files in /Applications/Android

How to build your own emulator

Building the engine

The emulator source code lives (here), but there are a bunch of other dependencies to download, so we use repo.


To build, first make sure you have Xcode and Xcode command line tools installed, and that you have Chromium depot_tools in your PATH (link). Then:

Note that canceling the python based build after it gets going and issuing just ninja -C objs install/strip may be faster.

The built artifacts are in /path/to/external/qemu/objs/distribution/emulator. They should be automatically signed. However, the binaries in objs/ are not; to sign them, issue ./ Note that this can only be done after ninja -C objs install/strip is successful.

Building the system image

Android Emulator Apple Silicon Valley

The system image is built from AOSP master sdk_phone_arm64 with a few modifications. Ideally, let's be on a Linux host when building the system image---the build is relatively untested on M1 systems, and at least, we need to create a separate case sensitive partition for the AOSP repo. Assuming you're on Linux:

We first need to make an edit to remove all 32 bit support. Patch this change: link to build/make/target/board/emulator_arm64/ Then:

Android Emulator Apple Silicon Preview


Android Emulator Apple Silicon App


After that's done, we can use this script to package up the system image for use in /Applications/Android Assuming you're still in the Android build environment:

Then, $ can be sent over to the M1 and the contents of its files/ can be coped over into /Applications/Android